About Us
First Christian Church Jenks, Oklahoma, is a Disciples of Christ congregation, nestled in main street Jenks. Prayer is a huge part of our congregation, and in that we believe that faith is personal. Our congregation was founded in 1931, and has been doing God's work ever since. We welcome all who are searching for a new home, come join us, we would be glad to have you!
What We Believe
The Lord’s Supper, or Communion is celebrated in weekly worship. It is open to all who believe in Jesus Christ.
Freedom of beliefDisciples are called together around one essential of faith: belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Persons are free to follow their consciences guided by the Bible, the Holy Spirit study and prayer, and are expected to extend that freedom to others.
Baptism by immersionIn baptism the old self-centered life is set aside, and a new life of trust in God begins. Although Disciples practice baptism by immersion, other baptism traditions are honored.
Belief in the oneness of the churchAll Christians are called to be one in Christ and to seek opportunities for common witness and service.
The ministry of believersBoth ministers and lay persons lead in worship, service and spiritual growth.
Members are active in keeping the food bank up and running. The church also plays host to the Food Banks extra food items not in use at the time.